Monday, 28 February 2011

Hello world!

After more years than I care to count (or admit) of culinary curiosity -- of tasting, testing, cooking, sampling, experimenting, exploring and enjoying food -- I have finally taken the plunge and started a food blog.  I would say I have been inspired by the blooming in recent years of the blogosphere and the flourishing phenomenon of the successful amateur food blogger, but in truth my motivation is far less ambitious (thankfully!) and somewhat selfish: there are so many food blogs I've started reading regularly and so many recipes I've flagged to try out, that my browser is starting to struggle under the weight of the sheer number of tabs I keep open.  (Bookmarks?  Who needs them?!) 

So I've started this to keep track of blogs I like, recipes I want to try, and occasionally (but I make no promises) my own continuing adventures in the world of food.  Let's see what happens...